Elder Scrolls Games Release Dates

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TES or The Elder Scrolls is one of the most popular RPG franchises, which is now also available as an MMORPG with the game Elder Scrolls Online. The last title in the series was Skyrim, released in 2011. Skyrim still has millions of players who play it every day.
The Elder Scrolls 6 is an upcoming title in this game series from the game company Bethesda. Skyrim was launched in 2011 and there are a lot of interesting games in this series, but fans are looking for new entertainment in this series. Fans are still enjoying The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch, but they're ready and waiting for the next distraction, The Elder Scrolls 6. They may still have to go to the next Bethesda fantasy game wait a long time.

  1. Elder Scrolls Games Release Dates 2020
  2. Upcoming Elder Scrolls Game

Upcoming game

The Elder Scrolls 6 is STILL coming. And now time for the bad news. It's going to take at least 5 more years. If you do the maths, that's a 2026 release date. Bethesda has revealed The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood, a new story chapter that serves as a prequel to the events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It will launch on separate dates in June. On March 1st 2015 we released first playable version of The Elder Scrolls: Total War. 1.0 was very rough, but it began a long journey that continues for six years. So we decided that where will be no better time to reveal release date for next version of our mod - The Elder Scrolls: Total War 2.0.2 subtitled as The King and the Crusader.


TES6 is the newest part of the Elder Scrolls series and was announced with a lot of fanfare in a 30-second teaser at E3 2018. The Elder Scrolls 6 is still in development. Bethesda has not yet revealed when it will be released and where it will take place. However, there are numerous rumors that are making the rounds regarding the date and setting.

The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser was released at E3 2018. Although Bethesda has kept a low profile on details of TES6, the short teaser shows the unique theme music. The trailer also features a nice skybox along with a flyover pointing at what looks like Tamriel. This is the continent that many of the Elder Scrolls series games are played on. The trailer then ends with a gold-plated TES6 logo and that's it.

Starfield and Fallout 76 lead the way

However, according to Bethesda boss Todd Howard, Starfield and Fallout 76 will arrive before The Elder Scrolls 6. That means The Elder Scrolls 6 will have to wait a few more years to be released. According to Todd Howard at this year's E3, Elder Scrolls 6 is in the preproduction phase while Starfield is in the playable phase.
In addition to the trailer at E3 2018, Howard also confirmed on the YouTube live stream of E3 in 2016 that The Elder Scrolls 6 is a current project and is in the development phase. Under Starfield; However, TES6 and Fallout 76 will be the last TES6 to be released. According to Hines, there are two more multiplatform game releases on the agenda, so TES6 would appear after the other two, namely Starfield and Fallout 76.

Likely location

The Elder Scrolls 6 will be the sequel to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In the 6th game, players will be able to travel to Tamriel and then use swords, shields and bows to fight for the agenda of their choice. Most of the games in the Elder Scrolls series are set in a specific region in Tamriel (the universe of the series) and are named after the region. For example, Daggerfall was located on the high rock in 1996, in the provinces of Hammerfell, while Morrowind was located on the island of Vvardenfell and Oblivion in Cyrodil. TES5: Skyrim was named after Skyrim, the region or the setting of the game in Tamriel. From this it can be concluded that TES6 will also bear the name of the region in Tamriel.
So, this region becomes Argonia; Redwood; Valenwood called? These are the regions in Tamriel that have not yet been mined. It could also be Morrowind, since the game by that name, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind only had one island in the province and not the mainland.
Some rumors have it that the most obvious choice for The Elder Scrolls 6 is Black Marsh or Argonia. The Argonians are the lizard people that live in Tamriel. There have been previous games in which you could slip into the role of these creatures.
Valenwood also seems likely, as Bethesda has not yet used this area of ​​Tamriel in any of its TES games. Valenwood is home to the Bosmer and has not been well explored in the game series. In addition, Bethesda had issued a memo back in 2014 instructing employees not to use the following terms: Fallout: Nuka World; Elder Scrolls VI and Project Greenheart. Interestingly, the TES6 has a project code name and that name is Project Greenheart. Well, Greenheart is the name of the town in Valenwood too!
Another option is Elsweyr, with the arid plains and rugged wasteland as the home of the Khajit. Fans also find this setting quite appealing.

Could Akavir be on the cards?

It is also likely that Bethesda is completely done with Tamriel as the setting for the next TES6 game. It is possible that Bethesda will no longer use the continent of Tamriel and will break new ground. For example, there are regions like the Akavir that can be seen in the ocean that surrounds the continent of Tamriel. Minecraft 1 9 download unblocked. The Akavir is a continent that lies to the east of Tamriel. The Kamal snow demons live here together with the Tsaesci contortionists, the Tang Mo monkey people, the Ka Po Tun tiger dragons and so on. They are all known as the Akaviri.
Legend has it that people who traveled to Akavir were eaten by the Akaviris. It is very likely that players in The Elder Scrolls 6 will be able to travel to this new region and live there in hostile conditions.

Location fixed?

Todd Howard has confirmed, however, that the location or the setting of TES6 has already been determined. He said the first thing they decide is the setting and added that you could guess the setting from the teaser trailer.
That said, it's pretty difficult to spot the location from the game's E3 2018 excerpt, but it appears to look like Valenwood or even Elsweyr rather than Black Marsh.

Pre-orders more likely

If you're wondering about the release date of the latest TES6, it probably won't be before the end of 2019 or even 2020. Bethesda will most likely be releasing another trailer at E3 next year, and may reveal more game series news. There may also be pre-orders or special editions by the end of the year.

Likely platforms / consoles

So on which platforms is TES6 likely to appear? Well, for sure it will appear for the PlayStation, the Xbox and also for the PC. In addition, it could also appear on Nintendo. As for the consoles on which this game is likely to be released, there could be a more powerful home system console from Microsoft, the latter announced at E3.

Expected gameplay

It is possible that some new races will be added to The Elder Scrolls 6 gameplay as well. However, there were no new races in Skyrim, so if the setting is still Tamriel, the chances of races being added are not great. Another interesting addition could be the Sea Elves featured in the TES Online series.
One thing that isn't likely in The Elder Scrolls 6 is multiplayer features. Skyrim already has multiplayer features. As for the VR features, we've already seen a full VR experience in Skyrim, so that could be repeated in TES6 as well.

New ways of storytelling

As for the storyline, Skyrim comes up with a very unique narrative that contains a ton of complex intrigues. The player is part of a civil war in a troubled kingdom, so it is expected and hoped that TES6 will come up with a more exciting storyline and take things to a new, higher level. Todd Howard also revealed that Bethesda is trying to find ways to tell stories in the games. For example, Skyrim allows players to realize their visions while Fallout guides them more firmly. Bethesda is now trying to explore new ideas of storytelling.
It's possible that TES6 will have a storytelling line that will fall between Skyrim and Fallout.

House building features

Elder Scrolls Games Release Dates 2020

A new feature that is expected to be added to The Elder Scrolls 6 is house building or the creation of a city. The house building feature was introduced in Skyrim's Hearthfire DLC and expanded in Fallout 4. These features will likely expand in The Elder Scrolls 6, as it hasn't been fully fleshed out in Fallout. This feature will also fit perfectly into the Valenwood setting, as players will have to adapt to the wilderness and use the natural things in the area to build settlements.

The name

It probably won't even be called The Elder Scrolls 6. There will be a colon along with another word indicating the region or location to complete the title based on the names of previous releases in the game series.

Promising news

Upcoming Elder Scrolls Game

In an interview after E3 2018, Todd Howard spoke about The Elder Scrolls 6 and also about Starfield. He said the company is considering a lot of changes in technology, lighting system, landscape, for Starfield, as well as for The Elder Scrolls 6.
In addition, the game studio has several positions in Rockville Maryland. The publisher has also opened a studio in Austin, so all of these new hires are likely to work for the upcoming TES6, or it is possible that they will work on Bethesda's other two upcoming projects.

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